by T. Austin-Sparks
Reading: John 20:19-22; Col. 3:1-11; 1:27.
This fragment with which Colossians chapter 3 commences is clearly
intended by the
apostle to strike a practical contrast, though it is not definitely
stated that it is so, I have
thought it is very clearly implied; and it is important for us to
bear in mind why this letter
was written, so that we may appreciate its peculiar value and
message. Colosse had
recently been visited by some proselytizers, who had connected a
philosophical religion
with a combination of elements out of Judaism and Christianity, but
was neither Judaism
nor Christianity. However, it was a philosophical thing with
elements out of both, and with
this teaching which contained certain things about the nature of God
and the orders of
angels or angelic beings, there had been added the demand for
certain outward
observances along religious, and in a sense moral lines. And this
thing had come into
Colosse and had been threatening the lives of the true believers.
There was that much of
Christianity about it as to make it a deception, and there were
those elements in it which
created a strong appeal to the religious instincts and the moral
desires of people. But the
apostle implicitly condemned the whole thing as being human and
earthly and quite
unworthy of those who had been called with a heavenly calling. And
this fragment: "If
then ye were raised together with Christ" brings in exactly
what the believer's true life is
in contrast with this other imitation thing and strikes that
contrast very clearly. And what
the apostle is saying in effect is this: there is all the difference
possible between two
things, between this religion of religious and moral elevation, and
being raised together
with Christ. Now you will immediately see the value and importance
of that.
There have been many things like this in the course of the years,
things which have
extracted from Christianity certain things and attached them to a
religious philosophy of
life and practice and given them the colouring of Christianity, so
that many people have
thought them to be Christian in essence. And they have demanded a
certain level of
moral life and practice, and carried with them certain outward
observances as to religion,
and many have been carried off and have been affected by that thing
morally. Yes, they
have been morally changed, morally influenced for the better, and
led into a life of
religious observances which they never entertained before. So they
have, to all outward
appearances, been changed people and become religious people with
religious interests
which have often been called Christian because of the extracting of
these Christian
elements, the name of Christ and other phraseology having been
adopted. The outward
appearance of a changed life, and now these religious interests have
all been taken to
represent a true regeneration, a true heart change, and there has
been something that
looked very much like Christianity; very much what you have in the
New Testament;
celestial beings have been honoured, Christ has been given a place.
That is exactly the
background of the letter to the Colossians, and the apostle, as we
have said, most
strongly repudiated the whole thing, and the point of contrast that
he makes is, in effect,
the tremendous difference between elevation and resurrection. It is
possible to have a
wonderful moral elevation by the introduction strongly,
enthusiastically, of religion,
Christianity can affect things morally. It can creep in like an
uplifting elevating
atmosphere into society, into the mind, and people may get a
wonderful moral stimulus
by the bringing home strongly of Christian principles and ideals,
and by being drawn into
a company that have such interests at heart. And there may be a
wonderful moral
elevation; that is, the taking from one level of life and placing
onto another different and
higher level of life.
But what this letter to the Colossians clearly teaches is that the
believer’s true life is not
just going up so many more rungs of a moral ladder and living upon a
high moral
platform. That is elevation from one level to another, but the
believer’s true life is in the nature of a resurrection, and that is
an entirely different thing. And when you have seen
that as the key to the letter, your door into this letter, then you
are able to understand
the true nature of the believer’s life.
What is the true nature of the believer’s life? It is living union
with God. Now that is
utterly and entirely impossible to the natural man, utterly
impossible, for the position of
the natural man is, so far as God is concerned, that he is dead.
Fellowship and union with
God are out of the question; he is dead to God. No amount of moral
elevation can make
any difference. You cannot bring about real, vital union and
fellowship with God by just
raising the standard of life morally, religiously, by the
inculcating of Christian principles.
What is necessary? It is that there shall be a Mean between God and
man and that Mean
must be God and man united in one. That Mean (spelt with a capital M)
is on the one side
God, and on the other side Man and in one being, one person, these
two must be
combined. They must be one person combining God and man, being God
and man, and if
we are to have vital union, fellowship, communion with God, that Mean
between God and
man must be resident within us. That can only be on the ground of a
because in that resurrection the living union is made with that One
Whom we have called
the Mean between God and man.
Now that is why the apostle opens this letter as he does with the
first chapter and brings
the Lord Jesus into such a position as is not revealed anywhere else
in all the Scriptures.
You want to read that chapter again in the light of what I have just
been saying and see
the presentation of Christ in Colossians one. And the two things are
so marvellously
combined there: Who He is on the Divine side, from God’s standpoint,
and Who He is on
the human side, on the man-ward side. And there He is brought into
the place of
absolute pre-eminence, and then, "Christ in you, the hope of
glory"; before you close the
chapter you have got that marvellous statement.
You see what you have brought about is this. Christ, God’s Mean;
Christ is God in
Himself, and Christ is Man in Himself. He was not man only, He is
man in Himself.
And now on the ground of a supernatural act in the life of every
dead man and woman by
nature, raised together with Christ, raised from the dead, Christ
has come in to reside. It
is the spiritual outworking of that of which John 20 was an
illustration. There was a
company, a company of those whose hearts were towards the Lord.
There were many
imperfections about them, doubts and fears, a measure of unbelief,
but their hearts were
towards the Lord; they were reaching out to Him, they were the
Lord’s as far as that
could be carried at the moment. They were gathered together in one
place, and the Lord
suddenly, without announcement, appeared in their midst. The doors
were barred;
without unbarring and opening the doors He was in the midst, and
then He showed them
His hands and His side, brought them into an association with Him in
His cross, in His
death, His burial and His resurrection, and then breathed on them
and said: "Receive ye
the Holy Spirit". All that is an illustration, a representation of
bringing man out of a place
of death into resurrection union, fellowship with Himself in the
virtue and power of His
cross, and then by His Spirit becoming resident in them.
And if you notice, that word in Colossians: "Christ in you, the
hope of glory" is more
exactly: "Christ in the midst of you, the hope of glory".
That is something far
transcending an elevation onto some higher level of moral and
religious life. That is
something more even than changing our lives morally and religiously:
that is God in
Christ, combining in His own person God and man, coming into us and
uniting us with
God in the power of a risen life. "If then ye were raised
together with Christ", upon that
everything hangs, "seek the things that are above, where Christ
is, seated on the right
hand of God". Your life henceforth is not to be lived just
upon a higher level religiously
and morally than it has been, your life henceforth is a life united
with Christ in heaven.
You get so many contradictions when you have anything less than
that, and it was those
contradictions that were troubling the apostle.
Yes, interests here on this earth, an earth level outlook, but hear:
"Seek the things that
are above". What is necessary to gather it all up is this,
that the Risen Lord should come
right back into the midst, making the believer one with Himself and
His risen life. That is
what this letter stands for. That is what John 20 stands for. The
Risen Lord coming into
the midst and making those men one with Himself in His risen life,
not as something
objective and outward, but something inward by the Holy Spirit; and
that is the true life
of the believer.
Now that is for us, the position for us to consider for ourselves.
"Is my life that?" "Have I
adopted Christianity, taken on the Christian ideals, the Christian
practices, the Christian
conceptions, and for me Christianity is the most beautiful
philosophy that ever was; and
there are obligations resting upon me because I have accepted
Christianity, and I have to
conform to certain observations outwardly". Is that our life? If it
is, whether you can
understand my way of putting it or not, it will amount to this: that
the Christian life
becomes a thing of having to do, having to be something, having to
live up to a
standard, and all the time we are worried whether we are falling
below the expected
standard; having to go here and there, and not go here and there,
all the time we are
regulated by Christianity. That is the effect. We are regulated and
governed by
something we call the Christian life, which says you must not go
here, go there, do this
or that, or you must go here or there, you must do this or that and
if you do not you will
have a bad time, things will go wrong, and other believers will look
at you. Then you are
governed all the time by that system of things, and that is just the
opposite of being
risen with Christ; absolutely the contrary. That may keep you up to
standard, it may
check you in the moment of temptation, it may influence you to live
the better life, it
may make big changes perhaps, but that is not much, that is not the
risen life.
The risen
life is that you have been quickened as one who was dead, and made
alive unto God, and
Christ has become a living reality resident within you, and you
have (because Christ is in
you) living, daily, fellowship with God. You are in fellowship with
God by Christ dwelling
within Who is that divine Man, God Himself and Man Himself, bringing
both together in
us, bringing man and God together in us. You repudiate that and you
repudiate the true
meaning of the believer’s life. It is very blessed if we can say,
yes, we know Him as
having come into the midst as the Risen Lord, and He has breathed on
us and said: "Receive ye the Holy Spirit". That is, He has not come
to us as someone apart from us,
as Christ raised from the dead a part of our creed, but is within us
as the Risen Lord in
the power of the Holy Spirit, and for us, life is above, all our
interests are above,
everything comes to us from above, and it is not Christianity, it is
The trouble with these people who were doing this proselytizing work
in Colosse was that
they had never seen the Lord Jesus, Who He was, never seen Him in
the terms of that
first chapter. They had made Him one of the celestial host, high up
in rank, but not God
manifest in the flesh. They had never seen Christ and that was the
So that for us it must be not a system, not an order, not a set of
ideals, not a Christian
philosophy, but Christ, in all that He is in the thought of God, in
our hearts through faith,
Christ in us, the hope of glory.
Edited and supplied by the Golden Candlestick Trust.
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